DMRC draws strength from its mission and corporate culture, which reads as under:
“DMRC is a learning organization. We will strive to improve in whatever we do.”
The Academy is an ideal place for 360-degree development of the capabilities of its employees. The capability is the function of knowledge, skill and attitude. Training is the process of enhancing the knowledge and skills of employees for doing a particular job. Training processes also refine the attitude of employees which leads to quality performance of employees. At the time of recruitment, every organization matches the individual's knowledge [qualification] as per the requirement. These candidates are required to be given focussed attention towards the job they are likely to take up after completion of training.
Training Methods:
The training process involves acquiring knowledge [K], skill [S] and development of right attitude [A] towards the job. Knowledge can be acquired by reading, watching videos/movies, discussing with experts of that field, coach etc., while skill can be acquired only through practice. To give an example, say if one wants to learn driving a car, the knowledge to driving can be acquired by reading books, attending coaching classes, learning the functions of the steering, clutch, accelerator, brake etc. Yet you will not be a good driver unless you drive yourself and acquire the skills through practice by driving the vehicle on road and in crowded parts of the city. Having acquired knowledge and the skill does not qualify one to be the 'best driver' or make him fit to participate in car rallies, car races etc. The level at which one is likely to land up depends upon the attitude and aspirations of an individual. The training modules for different job profiles are being designed keeping in mind the need of the job. The training methods used in training to develop K, S & A are presented below:
Knowledge Based Training
As a part of Knowledge Based Training, the trainees undergo classroom training intervention through experienced and knowledgeable trainers. Experienced faculty members are assigned the task of imparting theoretical as well as hands on training activities with emphasis on 'learning to perform' concept.
Skill Based Training
Certain jobs which are repetitive in nature like Train Driving & Maintenance etc. need higher skills which can be acquired through practice with the system - actual or virtual. Simulation technologies are the most effective tools of training in the fields when it is prohibitively expensive or simply too dangerous to allow trainees to use real equipment in the real world. In such situations, through use of simulators, people can be trained in a 'safe virtual environment' with 'real-life experience'. This prohibits the scope of committing mistakes during training and improve skills, which otherwise could have caused harm, especially for a safety-critical system. DMRA has Simulators, Demonstration and Model Rooms, for most of the operative systems so as the staff can be trained on the job in a virtual world without involving the actual system.
Attitude Based Training
Towards fulfilment of the organization's vision, an organization recognises its goals and gives its best by developing requisite skills & work ethics. This is only possible when attitude is positive, that will lead to high motivational & behavioural aspect of a person towards his organization. DMRA organizes various types of training for bringing changes in attitude of employees with the help of internal and external resources.